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HK Research Unit

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Beginning of Background


As opposed to the existing Asian-biased view, which sees Korea, China, and Japan as central, both geopolitically and practically, it is now recognized that Russia should be included in the cultural bloc of Northeast Asia.  This gives rise to the desire to define the concept of ‘Neo-Northeast Asian Glocal Culturalism’ (NNAGC) and establish a cultural topography of ’21C Neo-Northeast Asia.’

Transnational phenomena of transculturation indicate that the contemporary world cannot be culturally defined just by visible, geographical, and regional boundaries became universally accepted a long time ago. The terms ‘local’ and ‘global’, substitutable for ‘periphery and diffusion’ and ‘surroundings and the middle’ can be applied to investigate cultural transformation and transition, as well as new possibilities of the emergence of a third culture and its formation process, which can occur in adjacent areas to each culture.

Research Background

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