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Beginning of Director’s Greetings
Welcome to the Foreign Studies Institute!
The Foreign Studies Institute of Chung-Ang University has consistently grown since 1996, not only holding annual domestic and international conferences and scholarly seminars by experts in humanities and area studies, but also performing a variety of academic projects funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea and Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.
Unlike other research institutes pursuing a goal in one field of study, our institute has secured its academic position by earnestly seeking mutual communication and cooperation among countries, regions, and many fields of study for the purpose of multidisciplinary research.
Through its accumulated academic achievements and competence, the institute has been a representative organization for the Overseas Area Research of the Humanities Korea (HK) Project since September 1, 2012. The institute now carries out the agenda of ‘21st Century Neo-Northeast Asian Glocal Culturalism: The Reformation of Cultural Topography and Establishment of its Network’. The aim of this project is to form a more comprehensive and flexible ‘Neo-Northeast Asian Cultural Bloc’ by extending to Russia the concept of locality and geographical territory of ‘Northeast Asia’ discussed so far within the limited frame of Korea, China, and Japan. The major mission of the project is to observe not only the uniqueness of each individual culture, but also the phenomenon of ‘transculturation’ (cultural crossing) ‘among’ different cultures and to analyze the mechanisms that allows us to accept and share the values of other cultures.
From an objective and comparative point of view to culture, our research will systematize a methodological approach to the modeling of the Neo-Northeast Asian cultural bloc. The top priority is to successfully define the cultural topography of Neo-Northeast Asia which is undergoing transfiguration through a constantly varying and dynamic cultural transition, acculturation, transposition, and transformation from local to global, or vice versa, with no geographical and tangible boundaries.
All the members of the HK project team, as we have done up to now, will continue the steady and earnest execution of the agenda required for the research on ‘21st Century Northeast Asia’. We hope for earnest support and feedback from you.
Thank you!
Director of Foreign Studies Institute, Chung-Ang University
HK Research Unit Director
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